The Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Lead Partners are leading the way with the SR4S pilot and good news stories are spreading fast! Our latest news and updates track progress and celebrates schools’ and partner successes in making school journeys safer.


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FIA commits grant funding to school zone upgrades

FIA commits grant funding to school zone upgrades

The FIA have just announced that their FIA Road Safety Grants Programme will prioritise funding to school zone upgrades through the FIA School Assessment Programme. The FIA School Assessment Toolkit is an online repository with the relevant actions and documents to...

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CRTIP upgrades schools in the Philippines

CRTIP upgrades schools in the Philippines

In the Philippines, there are around 35 road crash fatalities happening per day or an estimated 12,690 fatalities in a year. To tackle this issue, UNICEF Philippines, Safe Kids Worldwide Philippines (SKWP), University of the Philippines - National Center for...

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3M engaging partners in Latin-America for safer school zones

3M engaging partners in Latin-America for safer school zones

SR4S’s Global Programme Partner 3M has been leading discussion on safe school zones across Latin-American countries. A core team has been defined in Latin-America, trained on SR4S and is now contacting relevant stakeholders at local and national levels to trigger...

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SR4S app used to inform SARF school upgrades in Mogale City

SR4S app used to inform SARF school upgrades in Mogale City

As part of the Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge, the South African Road Federation (SARF) has partnered with the Mogale City Municipality and 3M South Africa to upgrade schools in Mogale City. The project started in 2017, aiming to improve the safety of young people...

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Undertaking SR4S assessments in COVID-19 context

Undertaking SR4S assessments in COVID-19 context

As part of the framework for reopening schools, ensuring safe and healthy school journeys will be essential to protecting children’s safety, education and wellbeing not only in the school but also on their way to school. In preparation for the reopening of schools,...

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Child-friendly streets for Coimbatore City India

Child-friendly streets for Coimbatore City India

The AITD (Asian Institute of Transport Development) and IndiaRAP are helping to create child-friendly streets and improve non-motorised transport infrastructure in Coimbatore City, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-nine  pedestrian hotspots and 295km of cycling routes across...

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SR4S newsletter now available – October 2020 edition

SR4S newsletter now available – October 2020 edition

The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world. This edition features: 2nd Decade of Action opportunities School assessment in...

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Thiago Gonzaga Foundation presents “Voting for Life”

Thiago Gonzaga Foundation presents “Voting for Life”

The project “Voting for Life”, led by SR4S Lead Partner Global Alliance of NGO’s for Road Safety member Thiago Gonzaga Foundation, has engaged more than 700 students of Porto Alegre, including schools who participated in the first SR4S project conducted in...

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2nd Decade of Action provides new opportunity to deliver 5-star journeys

2nd Decade of Action provides new opportunity to deliver 5-star journeys

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2021-2030 as the 2nd Decade of Action and released a Draft Resolution encouraging Member States to make efforts to protect all road users through safer road infrastructure by taking into account the needs of motorized and non-motorized transport, and other vulnerable road users, especially on the highest-risk roads…..

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SR4S CASE STUDY: TRAX INDIA Road Safety & Juniors - Paving the way for a safer tomorrow Government of Haryana, MG Motor and TRAX are developing a safer culture around schools through road upgrades, research and training involving students, teachers and the...

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SR4S newsletter now available – July 2020 Edition

SR4S newsletter now available – July 2020 Edition

The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now - read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world. This edition features: Reshaping spaces for pedestrians now and after COVID-19...

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YOURS is leading the youth to improve road safety globally

YOURS is leading the youth to improve road safety globally

The Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety, initiated by YOURS, has been launched, opening a path for global youth engagement on road safety actions. During an online ceremony held in July 2020, the young leaders to be part of the Youth Advisory Board have been...

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