The Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Lead Partners are leading the way with the SR4S pilot and good news stories are spreading fast! Our latest news and updates track progress and celebrates schools’ and partner successes in making school journeys safer.


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SR4S Training: Now in 5 Languages!

SR4S Training: Now in 5 Languages!

The updated Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) online course, developed by iRAP with support from Millennium Challenge Corporation, is now available in a range of languages. This expansion provides crucial training opportunities for a wider audience interested in...

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Proud to be a partner in’s accelerating impact

Proud to be a partner in’s accelerating impact

At its first ever Impact Summit, has announced plans to accelerate its impact on the world’s largest problems with AI. iRAP is proud to be a partner addressing road traffic crashes that are the leading cause of death among children and young people...

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World’s largest SR4S assessment kicks off in Riyadh

World’s largest SR4S assessment kicks off in Riyadh

Forty engineers received training in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, recently as part of the world’s largest Star Rating for Schools assessment of 300 school areas kicking off in the Kingdom. Ensuring the safety of children on their journey to school is a priority for...

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Star Rating for Schools July 2024 Newsletter

Star Rating for Schools July 2024 Newsletter

The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world.In this issue: SR4S latest updates and new features! Empowering youth for safer roads:...

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3M champions school safety in Latin America with SR4S

3M champions school safety in Latin America with SR4S

Local engineers in Costa Rica received training from 3M to conduct SR4S assessments Image credit (above and right): 3M Equipping Local Authorities: In April 2024, 3M, iRAP, and local stakeholders joined forces to train local engineers in Costa Rica and 100 police...

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