Bogota school safer journeys

Bogota school safer journeys

Using the SR4S app to create a safer journey for school kids (Bogota, Colombia) Children at the Rodrigo Lara School (Ciudad Bolivar) and the local community are now benefiting from new and safer infrastructure. July 6, 2018 – The Secretariat of Mobility (SoM) in...
Safer School zones launched Bogota

Safer School zones launched Bogota

Successful launch of road safety interventions for vulnerable users – Bogotá, Colombia On Tuesday 19 December, the Secretariat of Mobility in Bogotá, Colombia launched the implementation of iRAP’s countermeasures on 80th Street, as part of the BIGRS work. We announced...
5-Star School Journey for Lusaka Students

5-Star School Journey for Lusaka Students

For students of Justin Kabwe Primary School in Lusaka, Zambia, their journey to school has just gotten a whole lot safer, with access roads raised from 1 and 2-star dangerous to 5-star safety excellence. Thanks to an Amend project, supported by FedEx and the FIA...