by Briarlea Green | Jul 27, 2020 | News
Given the circumstances of COVD19 experienced around the world, the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation launched a cycle of webinars on different aspects of children’s road safety. One of these webinars, ‘Entornos Escolares Seguros (Safe School Environments)’ featured...
by Briarlea Green | Jul 27, 2020 | News
Thiago Gonzaga Foundation (Vida Urgente), Global Alliance member, has been working to engage the youth on the road safety agenda. Volunteers from Vida Urgente attended the SR4S webinar delivered in April 2020 and have been trained on the SR4S methodology, getting...
by Briarlea Green | Jul 27, 2020 | News
FIA Region II has allocated EUR 50,000 to support its members on implementing safety facilities at school zones across the region guided by the SR4S. iRAP has supported the Region II Secretariat to develop the criteria for selection of projects, which focus on the...
by Briarlea Green | Jul 27, 2020 | Lead Partners, News
The FIA School Assessment Toolkit has been released to FIA member clubs. It is a web-portal for FIA Clubs around the world, to improve the safety of school journeys in their local communities. It provides over 30 documents to support FIA members in establishing their...
by Briarlea Green | Jul 27, 2020 | News
The world has been going through unprecedent challenges. Although in different scales, each community has been affected in some way by restrictions to tackle the COVID-19 and is planning, or will plan soon, the post-pandemic scenario. As governments strive against...
by Briarlea Green | Jul 20, 2020 | News
SR4S CASE STUDY: TEHRAN & MASHHAD, IRAN Improved Pedestrian Facilities at Shohada, Imam Ali and Azmoodeh Primary School 8 schools assessed, 3 upgraded, leading to a safety jump from 1-star to 4- and 5-stars and a safer journey for students In 2019, Road Safety...