Decimal star ratings calculated for locations assessed with SR4S
Currently, decimal star ratings are calculated for each location assessed and approved with SR4S. With the DSR, it is possible to see where in the band the rating is. For example, a star rating of 3.5 stars indicates that it is in the middle of the 3-star band, while a star rating of 3.9 stars indicates that it is at the top of the star rating band. DSR offers a more nuanced perspective on star ratings, allowing for finer distinctions within each star band.
Decimal star ratings calculated for each assessed location:

Scale of star rating within the same band.
More granularity to understand how far we are from the target.
Decimal star ratings replace Star rating scores in Demonstrator
After the location is star rated, you will be able to check the details and test different scenarios of improvements in iRAP Demonstrator. In the old model used before June 2023, Demonstrator showed star rating scores. But in the new model released in June 2023, star rating scores in Demonstrator are replaced by decimal star ratings. DSR allows users to see safety improvements within the same star rating band. This feature provides more granular information on the safety rating of a location, enabling better decision-making. It is particularly helpful in locations that are already 4-star or 5-star but there is still room for improvement within the same band.

Examples of reporting Decimal star ratings
Example 1:

Images credit: Automóvil Club de Chile
- Pre-intervention: no school zone signs and markings, no crossing features, relatively high-speed limit in urban areas (50km/h).
- Post-intervention: raised pedestrian crossing, 30km/h speed limit, new traffic signs, new road markings and school zone flashing beacons.
Example 2:

Images credit: Automóvil Club de Chile
- Pre-intervention: no school zone signs and markings, no crossing features, relatively high-speed limit in urban areas (50km/h).
- Post-intervention: raised pedestrian crossing, 30km/h speed limit, new traffic signs, new road markings and school zone flashing beacons.