We are looking forward to sharing the life-saving impact of Clasificación de estrellas para escuelas (SR4S) and roads made safer world-wide thanks to the inspiring work of road safety NGOs at next week’s Global Meeting of the Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety in El Salvador.

With the theme Rethinking road safety: Mobility for people and planet, the meeting will be held from 6–10 March co-hosted with the Vice-Ministry of Transport of El Salvador and World Health Organisation. It will be a hybrid event, enabling wider participation of NGOs and other stakeholders.

The Global Meeting will feature capacity building opportunities, inspiration from well-known safe mobility and sustainability experts, a high-level symposium with key influencers from government, multilateral organizations, private sector, and academia, as well as extensive networking opportunities. The interconnections between road safety, safe mobility, and other key global challenges addressed by the SDGs will be explored, with a focus on accountability for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030.

Star Rating for Schools Global Coordinator Rafaela Machado will be meeting with Socios principales de SR4S and sharing the latest exciting developments in the award-winning application and programme which has already assessed the safety of school zones in more than 63 countries in partnership with NGOs. Evidence-based upgrades informed by the application have informed star upgrades which are saving lives and preventing serious injuries every day in communities across the world. See our ‘Safe Schools Tracker’ for insights on how safety around schools is being improved at https://starratingforschools.org/safe-schools-tracker/

Working in partnership with iRAP, the Alliance and road safety NGOs have been instrumental in advocating for and achieving safer roads and school zones world-wide. Read more about our just some of our partnerships aquí.

If you’d like to meet with Rafaela to find out how iRAP and SR4S can help you eliminate high-risk roads and schools in your community, please reach out to her on – Email rafaela.machado@irap.org or mobile +55 51 998091460

For more information on the Global Meeting, click HERE.

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