The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) has proudly announced the Municipality of Lima as a “Rising Star” in the 2024 iRAP Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy in Marrakech on the 17th of February 2025, presented to the world’s best performing road authority/s eliminating high-risk roads.
Presented during the Ten Steps to 2030 for Safer Road Infrastructure Side Event of the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, the perpetual iRAP Trophy honours the lifelong public-sector and transport contribution of the charity’s former Board Chairman Gary Liddle AO who passed away in 2023.
Road crashes are the leading cause of death for adolescents in Peru. During 2019, 21 school-aged children were killed and 2,552 were injured in road traffic incidents in Lima.
The Municipality of Lima’s Colecaminos Program launched in 2020, with Lima recognized as the winning city of the Vision Zero Challenge. The initiative has since become a central element of the Provincial Road Safety Plan 2022-2024, which aims to improve safety in school zones and strengthen technical regulations related to road safety. It promotes the requirement for the incorporation of Star Ratings in all school zone designs for all road users.
The program aimed to improve road safety around 230 schools by the end of 2024, effectively reducing traffic-related risks for children. It combines engineering measures – such as the installation of horizontal and vertical signage and speed reducers – with education and community engagement to promote a comprehensive approach to road safety. As well as aiming for zero crashes, the program strives to achieve a 20 per cent reduction in short-term average speeds in school zones located in avenues, and the increased participation of school children in the design, implementation and maintenance of safe school zones.
In presenting the award, iRAP Global Program Director and Acting CEO Greg Smith said, “The Municipality’s Colecaminos Program has made a significant impact in improving the safety and liveability of Lima’s streets for children and families. Through community engagement and a strong partnership of the public and private sector, infrastructure upgrades and improved road safety awareness has been achieved around 230 schools. Building Star Ratings into the design process helps provide evidence-based confidence in every investment. It serves as a model for other municipalities, illustrating how targeted interventions can create a meaningful impact on community safety.”
The iRAP Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy was presented to one winner and four finalists during the Ten Steps to 2030 for Safer Road Infrastructure Event, a Side Event of the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety on 17 February 2025. The winners were selected from 12 highly competitive nominations from 11 countries.
For more information:
- On the Trophy and 2024 winners, click here.
- On the Municipality of Lima’s Colecaminos Program, see the video here and further information here.
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Media enquiries:
For iRAP:
Judy Williams, Global Programme and Communications Manager
Mob: +61 400 782 204
For the Municipality of Lima:
Milagros Ramos, Road Safety Coordinator