Image credit: Cities 4 Children Alliance

In June, iRAP joined the Cities 4 Children Alliance members in Katowice, Poland to discuss the next phase of the Alliance. The alliance is an interdisciplinary network of 27 organisations working together to ensure that child rights are firmly embedded in the urban agenda. Through the Star Rating for Schools programme, iRAP aims to contribute to the inclusion of safe school zones in the urban agenda.

As part of the World Urban Forum 11, the Cities 4 Children launched the publication ‘Cities for and with children and youth – Ideas to inspire action’. The document highlights effective actions that can be taken to make cities better for children and young people. SR4S is included as part of the section Safe and Active Journeys to School.

Cities4Children also hosted an event to launch the next phase of the alliance focused on country and city level collaboration. Even if you were not present at the event, you can share your ideas on city and country-level #cities4children alliances on this online survey, which will remain open until July 10th:

Applications for city and national level cities4children alliances will open on the 15th of July.
