Star Rating for Schools calls on its partners and the community worldwide to support the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) #StreetsForLife #Love30 campaign which is now live.

Addressing the risk of death in road traffic is fundamental to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically those affecting health security, sustainable cities, poverty, and reducing inequalities among and within countries. Policies that tackle the of impact road traffic, and create environments for safe, sustainable and inclusive transport options, also unlock action for protecting the climate and gender equality too.

A paradigm shift in how streets are designed, starting with low speeds where people and traffic mix, makes streets safe, accessible, enjoyable and equitable for all road users, delivering multiple benefits for all whilst accelerating action across interlinking SDGs.

We are proud to support and advocate the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) and will have further announcements shortly via our iRAP channels to help our SR4S Community get involved and create a world where children can travel safely to and from school.

Helpful resources now available:

Make sure you tag @UNGRSW and use #StreetsForLife #Love30.
