The Youth Stars programme is in its second-year planning to deliver support to a coalition of young leaders across the world. Youth Stars Master Trainers have attended a Training of Trainer delivered by iRAP and have been empowered to improve safety around educational institutions within their local communities and also to deliver support to other communities and scale up the success of school assessments. They are now seeking to build coalitions with local organisations and support efforts of these partners.

Capacity Development on assessments and advocacy will introduce the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety members to the SR4S programme while also giving trainees the chance to understand the main steps in structuring a school assessment project, develop school community engagements plans to help protect students from road crashes and assess road attributes with star ratings. In 2021, Master Trainers will train their peers from the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and will be able to turn the star rating recommendations into advocacy plans that will help address low star rated roads into three-star ones or higher. The upcoming year will be continued advocacy by partners and future trainers and follow-ups from the trainers and partners.

In the first year of the programme, five Master Trainers have been recruited by YOURS and trained by iRAP on the use of SR4S. The programme was launched in 2019, in a partnership of YOURS (Youth for Road Safety) and iRAP, thanks to the sponsorship of FedEx. The 3-year programme is engaging young leaders to become Master Trainers and implement a multiplier effect to train other young leaders on the methodology. These 5 Master Trainers are tasked with empowering their peers to undertake assessments of school zones around educational institutions using the Star Ratings for Schools approach to promote and ensure safe journeys to school, college, and universities. After becoming highly trained practitioners through practical examples and quality assurance, the group is now ready to roll out their learning to others. The programme also allows gathering feedback to contribute to SR4S continued development.

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Image credit above: YOURS
