Image credit: Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation

July 2019: Within the framework of the Safe Latin American Child in Traffic project, and using the Star Rating for Schools app, the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation evaluates school environments and proposes low-cost and high-impact improvements.

Congratulations to one of our Star Rating for School Lead Partner the Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation, for developing this programme and helping to make the journey for school children safer through infrastructure improvements. It is fantastic that our Star Rating for Schools assessments could contribute.

Project Background: The Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation is currently implementing the program “Safe Latin American Children in Traffic”. The methodology used is the promotion of high-impact, low-cost measures for safe mobility, for example installing fences at school exits, proper signage or reducing the maximum permitted speed.

The NGO studied the school environments of five Argentine cities: Junín (province of Buenos Aires), Guaymallén (Mendoza), Neuquén, Jujuy and Corrientes, which were selected by the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV); and then provided recommendations based on the results, including SR4S assessments.
