Safe Journeys for Children: SR4S recommended in the “Cities for and with Children and Youth” Research Publication series

Safe Journeys for Children: SR4S recommended in the “Cities for and with Children and Youth” Research Publication series

“Cities for and with Children and Youth: Ideas to Inspire Action” is a part of the Research Series: “Cities for Children and Youth,” published by the Global Alliance – Cities4Children. This comprehensive publication comprises eight guides that...
Uganda children’s school journeys made safer with the Safe School Zones assessment Road Safety Programme

Uganda children’s school journeys made safer with the Safe School Zones assessment Road Safety Programme

In Uganda, 2,377 pedestrians were reported to be seriously injured in road crashes in 2021 by police. Contributing to these risks was the lack of infrastructure for pedestrians, where only 2% of 40km/h+ speed limit-roads assessed in the country have formal sidewalks...