Crédito da imagem: iRAP

In the Resolution of the Council of Ministers 67/2023 Portugal dated 7 July, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers released Portugal’s new National Strategy for Active Pedestrian Mobility 2030 and determined the creation of a project group for its implementation.

The Strategy recommends for the use of iRAP Star Rating for Schools for walkability assessment studies to assess risk, star rate safety and inform investment to save lives and prevent serious injuries.

The final version of the following was published in Diário da República National Strategy for Active Pedestrian Mobility 2030 – a document which sets out the country’s strategy for, by 2030, increase the modal share of walking to 35%, increase pedestrian space accessible to all by 50%, and decrease sedentary lifestyles by 15%.

Amazing Road Safety Leadership from Portugal!

For more information on the National Strategy for Active Pedestrian Mobility 2030, read this article from aqui

pt_BRPortuguês do Brasil